Sample Project|

Project Brief: Design an educational website to demystify a new retirement product called Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs for short.)

Target Audience: Retirees who are concerned about running out of money in retirement.

Ron's role: Branding, site design, construction, and content development.

The landing page (below) provides a flip chart interface with cartoon images of retiree income needs. When clicked, the image "flips" to display short explanations of QLAC benefits. Java script buttons inside the displayed benefits statements, in turn, open a screen pop that presents a web form. This web form will take the user to a partner sales interface.

Flip chart (top left), rollover display (top right) and button screen pop (bottom right).

Dot the QLACguru Bot

Dot the QLACguru Bot increased landing page engagement. A floating slide-out tray on the right side of the page opens a branded, interactive bot. The first bot interaction identifies the type of user then the bot quickly offers tailored content then takes that user to appropriate, user-selected content.

Slide out tray provides a button that starts the interaction.

The first interaction identifies the type of user.

The 2nd interaction offers a customized series of options tailored to this user segment.

The user selection (Watch Videos) takes the user to the website's videos page with eight animated video case studies about QLACs.